Place a trap right next to an other one, place a slowing gem in the first trap and a mana gain/armor reduce/shocking gem in the second one.Place a trap near a group of towers and place a slowing gem in it, this way the monsters will have to crawl by the towers for a longer time, taking more shots.It's usually better to have more towers with somewhat weaker gems in them, than a few towers with stronger gems.Look at the range indicator (yellow circle) of the inserted gem to see how far it can shoot, and place it in a tower that can give it the longest path cover.

If you have all 8 gem types available, you can create a prismatic gem.Try to avoid making gems containing more than two base colors.If you combine two gems of different types, you get both specials but with a decreased power. Pure gems have the strongest special abilities.This can further be improved with the Dual gem mastery skill. Dual gems are superior to pure gems, they get larger bonuses to their damage, range, and firing speed.